Tuesday, 18 November 2014

I am grateful for you

"We ought always to give thanks to God for you, brothers, as it is appropriate,  because your faith is growing abundantly, and the love of every one of you for one another is increasing."
2 Thessalonians 1:3

Thankful people seem to be happier people. Grateful people seem to be deeper people. Gracious   people are apparently more sociable and less egoistic people.

When we are thankful we focus on the source of something good that adds value to our lives or those we care for and it makes us look away from ourselves in a dignified way. We don't look to another human being to criticise, to complain for, to get annoyed by and even to worry about. We look at them in an entirely positive and well meaning way. They might have a good deal of weaknesses that we can focus on, but we prefer to look at what is good in them because we personally experienced it.
What would happen if we never experienced something  significantly good by somebody or at least not experienced it lately, but we continue to focus on and encourage what is good about them?
Apostle Paul draws a parallel between the growing of the faith in somebody and the showing of love they are capable of. He knew that a servant of God (we are all called to be that) is called to see the people in a positive, God-point-of-view way. He had to have faith in them first.  Their love towards each other is "increasing", which would mean that probably it was very little at the start. 
That had not discouraged Paul though.  What he did was that he saw, through the eyes of God, what these people could become if he could impart them with faith in Jesus Christ. He looked at them with love and positive attitude well before they have done anything deserving gratitude. 
Once he shared the Gospel with conviction and spiritual power the faith was awaken in the Tessalonians. They realised what they can be in Christ and how many opportunities they have to flesh it out towards one another.  "The love (agape) of every one" was on the rise meaning that they all, having accepted Paul's way of reflecting Christ, were able to look at each other in a positive manner also before anything tangible in the other was yet manifested. The love of Christ does not depend on a value present in its object - it creates it. The gratitude-deserving deeds of course duly followed, but it was only possible because they chose to believe in what is the possible good about the other and love Christ in each other. 
Faith is conviction about things not seen (Hebrews 11:13). We don't need to wait to see the good things our acquaintances would do to be positive towards them. By being positive and showing high appreciation we prompt them to be better people and be good. And when thusly faith in Jesus is imparted in them, then goodness and love could only increase in magnitude. 

Dear Father of us all,

Thank you that you don't wait for us to produce something good in order to love us. I pray you help us see the good in people well before it is manifested and believing in them be able to help them believe in Jesus, who only can create true love out of nothing in the hearts of all of us towards each of us.
Praying in the lovingkind Jesus' Name! Amen!

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