Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Someone touched me

"But Jesus said, “Someone touched me, for I sensed  that power has gone out from me.”"
Luke 8:46

The Bible portrays God as life-giver. "When you send your Spirit, life is created, and you renew the face of the earth." Psalm 104:30
His Spirit makes life possible. When Jesus came in flesh He couldn't, but be what His divine nature is: life- giving, supporting, bettering  and enhancing.
Wherever He was going, He was carrying the light of life in the darkness of human experience of oppression, sickness and frailty. It has to be noted that we are created in the image of God and that is why  we carry the higher  appreciation of life than animals, for example, do. We also carry a small seed  of God's life and life-affirming qualities. Faith in God is the window through which light can enter and welcome this seed of life we have  in us into growing, blossoming and full fruition. 
When we strive to let the sun of righteousness shine in our hearts it brings healing with its rays (Malachi 4:2). This stubborn, relentless faith and attempt to let God's power in our lives would not ever be in vain. Sometime God is seemingly hiding but not for long.
Then we touch the life-giving mantle of Jesus and quite naturally His life flows through us and renews and rejuvenates us.
Jesus wants to feel how His generous power goes out of Him to His children. He did not complain from, but He praised the woman, who strived so much towards Him. He is so giving and so desiring to bless us. So let's keep on seeking, keep on knocking and keep on asking and drawing closer to God in faith. He is willing and able to respond and change the seeds in us into a beautiful and fruitful garden.

Dear Father,

Your nature is of a life-giver who generously lavishes His goodness and love on us.
Please, hear my voice and help me be this person, who would ready himself to receive from you. I want to be the person, who would touch you and your power would flow freely trough me. 
I pray in Jesus' Name. Amen!

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